By Journal on May 19, 2022
Hilary Hosia, Koo's Company, Lomor II, MALGov Marine Patrol Division, Micronesia 106, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Sea Patrol
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA An unidentified body was found floating in Majuro lagoon Tuesday morning. Authorities received a call Tuesday morning from vessel New Takatsuki claiming a body was seen floating near their anchored vessel, a police report from the Majuro Atoll Local Government’s Marine Patrol Division (MAPD) stated. A joint taskforce was quickly mobilized consisting of […]
By Journal on May 13, 2022
$4.2 million year., 1986, Back in the Day, Health Care, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Neal Palafox, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 5/17/1986 P1 New hospital won’t fix healthcare “Don’t get seriously ill in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. It could be the last thing you ever do,” is the lead on a feature story in the Honolulu Advertiser about Majuro hospital. Are people exaggerating the problems when they criticize the old hospital and don’t […]
By Journal on May 13, 2022
Bank of Marshall Islands, Brenson Wase, ECD National Forum, Hilary Hosia, Kathryn Relang, Ministry of Culture and Internal Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Patrick Langrine, Rebecca Lorennij, Velma Edwards
Feature Articles

In addition to informational briefings this week at the International Conference Center about the full rollout of the World Bank-supported Early Childhood Development project, a number of important specific aspects of the new program were launched. These included the Ministries of Health, Education and Culture and Internal Affairs signing agreements for this multi-ministry intervention that […]
By Journal on February 17, 2022
Covid, Eve Burns, Gederick Henos, Giff Johnson, house to house, Jack Niedenthal, Kanson Basin, Mailynn Konelios-Lang, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Simiko Jomuly
News Archive
GIFF JOHNSON The government ramped up its ongoing Covid vaccination program Monday this week by starting house-to-house immunizations throughout Majuro. The move takes a page out of the measles vaccine program three years ago and the initial start of Covid vaccines in January 2021 by taking the program into the community.Monday’s outreach effort showed the […]
By Journal on February 3, 2022
Alaska, Arrak, Barab Edward, Centers for Disease Control, Covid, Guam, Kwaj Lodge, Kwajalein, Majuro, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Omicron, Palau, repatriation, RMI government, United Airlines, United States, USAG-KA
News Archive

The RMI government continues to use both its quarantine facility in Arrak Majuro, as well as the Kwaj Lodge at Kwajalein for managing the quarantine of incoming repatriation groups. Although United Airlines is not taking passengers out of Majuro for now, it continues to stop in Majuro for refueling and to drop off repatriation groups.Last […]
By Journal on November 25, 2021
Amata Kabua, Delap Park, Helmer Lang, Jack Niedenthal, Kenneth Fernando, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Majuro Cooperative School, Marshall Islands Resort, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Wilmer Joel
News Archive

The Ministry of Health and Human Services alongside Majuro Cooperative School organized a walkathon to promote awareness about mental health earlier this month. A great turnout of participants young and old attended the walkathon that was coordinated by Co-op High School Principal Kenneth Fernando as well as the student body government (SBG) officers and their […]
By Journal on November 5, 2021
Australian Aid, Blood Drive, Delap Park, Eve Burns, Fiji community, Marshall Islands Red Cross, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Sakiusa Kamaqesa, Tauaita Sunirara
Feature Articles

The Fiji community along with Australian Aid, Ministry of Health and Human Services, and Red Cross operated a clinic at Delap Park last Saturday for people who wanted to donate blood to help Majuro hospital. Organizers said it is their plan to conduct a blood donation drive every three months. Fijian lab techs who work […]
By Journal on October 29, 2021
Alana Hernandez, Beh's cakeshop, Breast Cancer Awareness month Night market, Breast Cancer Society, Cancer Support Group, Christian Labaiwod deBrum, harti Bachani, Jabubu, Kairi Wase, Kiran Datwani, lyna Barwa Jacklick, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Nika Wase, Nilep Kendall, omen United Together in the Marshall Islands, Robert Reimers Enterprises parking lot, Saakshi Bachani, Wilmer Joel, Zyla Momotaro
Feature Articles

WILMER JOEL For the first time ever during Breast Cancer Awareness month, a “Pinking of you” Night Market was organized as part of community outreach awareness raising. Last Saturday night’s event was organized by the Ministry of Health and Human Services, Breast Cancer Society, Cancer Support Group, and Women United Together in the Marshall Islands […]
By Journal on October 7, 2021
Bruce Bilimon, Darlene Korok, DSJ Construction, Early Childhood Development Project, International Development Association, Ivy Lapidez, Labor and Delivery Ward, Maternity Ward, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Rachel Bigler, United Nations Children’s Fund, World Bank
News Archive

The Labor and Delivery Ward at Majuro hospital is back to full operation after completion of a major renovation program. The ward held a ‘reopening’ ceremony Monday to mark the upgrade attended by Minister Bruce Bilimon, MOHHS management, along with pediatricians, hospital staff and partners. The work was supported by the Early Childhood Development Project […]
By Journal on September 2, 2021
Casten Nemra, Covid Vaccines, Glen Joseph, Jack Niedenthal, Johnson & Johnson Vaccine, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Pfizer vaccine, RMIEPA
News Archive

The Ministry of Health and Human Services administered 757 Covid vaccines for commercial fishing crews that use Majuro for transshipment from June through the end of August. The vaccine program for fishermen was halted for two months after the initial rollout in June so Public Health nurses could focus on vaccinating outer island residents. The […]