Oregon providing healthcare

Oregon providing healthcare

Healthcare benefits for citizens of Compact nations were approved last week by the Oregon State Legislature, and will go into effect on January 1. The history-making COFA Premium Assistance Program legislation was proposed two years ago by CANN — the Compact of Free Association Action National Network — and endorsed by both Republican and Democratic […]

RMI Auditor needs more help

The Auditor General’s office has increased the number of people working but is still significantly short of its goal of 21 people needed to deliver financial and performance audit, and investigate corruption and fraud. It now has 15 staff on board. In Auditor General Junior Patrick’s report to Nitijela that accompanied delivery of multiple completed […]

Nuclear lawsuits move forward

Nuclear lawsuits move forward

The Marshall Islands gained global headlines this week as the government’s cases against India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom were launched at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. In addition to Dutch attorney Phon van den Biesen representing the RMI government before the court, former Foreign Minister Tony deBrum spoke to the court, […]

Guam warns of tidal flooding

Guam warns of tidal flooding

GIFF JOHNSON Majuro was warned Tuesday by Guam weather officials to expect king tide flooding from Wednesday through Friday this week. The National Weather Service on Guam issued a “Special Weather Statement” Tuesday warning the combination of the highest tides of 2016 coupled with high winds from a storm that is brewing near Wake Island […]

Chinese Embassy opens

Chinese Embassy opens

Journal 3/2/1974 P1 Hadley: ‘America will conquer us’ Representative Sungiwo Hadley of Ponape accused the United States of intentionally failing to develop Micronesia’s economy so that American military interests would be more easily accommodated in the Trusteeship islands. “As proven by the military’s promises to the Mariana Islands in their separate negotiations,” the United States’ […]

Passports out of action

Passports out of action

The Marshall Islands entered its third week with no ability to produce regular passports this week. It has been issuing temporary travel documents that US Homeland Security approved for use about a week after the initial problem with the RMI Attorney General’s office passport machine developed in mid-February. At Nitijela Monday, Ujae Senator Atbi Riklon […]

Zika ‘emergency’ declared

Zika ‘emergency’ declared

A “state of health emergency” was declared this week by President Hilda Heine to push the RMI’s response to the Zika virus into high gear. Noting that “pregnant mothers who are infected are at high risk of developing congenital malformations to their unborn child,” the President issued the proclamation of a health emergency for an […]

Leaders pow-wow in Palau

Leaders pow-wow in Palau

Palau opened the 16th Micronesian Presidents’ Summit (MPS) with President Tommy Remengesau Jr., President Peter Christian of the Federated States of Micronesia, and President Hilda Heine, of the Marshall Islands, gathered to discuss pressing issues including climate change, the island nations’ relationships with the United States, and fisheries. The one-day meeting was held at the […]

Senators focus on key issues

Senators focus on key issues

The Nitijela held a five-day induction seminar last week that Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was “a platform” for Nitijela members to “contribute to the national dialog on key development issues and sustainable development for the Marshall Islands.” The program was co-sponsored by the Pacific Community, United Nations Development Program, UN Women’s Program, UN Human Rights, […]