Back In The Day

Cola sales up with drought

Cola sales up with drought

Journal 2/15/1983 P1 Majuro drought continues, people digging wells The drought continues and people are taking measures to get by with less water. Old well are being cleaned up and new ones dug. Cola sales are booming. City water is scheduled to be on for one hour Tuesday and then will be off until Friday. […]

Fr. Rich takes on ‘Mon Bata’

Fr. Rich takes on ‘Mon Bata’

Journal 2/1/1983 P1 Eight trainers graduate Eight women trainers on January 28 got their certificates from the Women’s Leadership Training program after almost a year of attending the program. Opening remarks at the graduation ceremony were given by Secretary of Social Services Marie Maddison. The topics discussed or studied at the workshop were food, overpopulation, […]

Sea Patrol rescues 38

Sea Patrol rescues 38

Journal 1/25/1983 P1 Senator Ataji Balos: Kwaj owners unhappy with KMR Despite efforts and some improvements made or restored by the newly formed Community Relations Council, which was recently created to improve relations between the American community on Kwajalein Missile Range and the Marshallese community on Ebeye, treatment of the Marshallese people, particularly their leaders […]

Government to cut payroll

Government to cut payroll

Journal 1/21/1983 P1 Foreign Secretary deBrum: Marshalls’ quest for freedom threatened The United States is holding the Marshallese people hostage in trying to impose a 30-year military regime on the Marshall Islands at the expense of the nation’s freedoms, Marshall Islands Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum said in remarks reported by Pacific Daily News in Guam. […]

Taongi considered for tests

Taongi considered for tests

Journal 1/12/1983 P8 Old age program debated The merit of the Old Age Program was debated January 10 at Nitijela. Some, like Minister of Internal Affairs Wilfred Kendall, Majuro, for one, felt the program was inconsistent with Marshallese culture where relatives take care of the old. Kendall said it is the families responsibility to look […]

New brewery opens in town

New brewery opens in town

Journal 1/4/1983 P1 Nitijela opens 4th constitutional meet The marshall Islands High School Glee Club sang at Nitijela’s official opening of the 1983 session January 3 with such compositions as “Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,” and President Amata Kabua and other Nitijela members reaffirmed in their speeches the Republic’s commitment to the […]

RRE opens Rairok store

RRE opens Rairok store

Journal 12/24/1982 P1 AMI 748 arriving Christmas eve The Airline of the Marshall Islands’ own BAC748 aircraft is scheduled to arrive 24 December. There was no room for Santa Claus because it is filled with spare parts. There will be an official handover ceremony at the airport for the 48-seat turbo prop plane. The first […]

Power plant switched on

Power plant switched on

Journal 12/15/1982 P1 KMR-RepMar relations soured The landowner occupation of the Kwajalein Missile Range has been over for two months but relations between KMR and RepMar appear to be deteriorating. The seriousness of the current state of affairs was shown by KMR’s decision that the Kwaj Lodge was full when Chief Secretary Oscar deBrum and […]

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