Back In The Day

Laura to Rita jeptas are on

Laura to Rita jeptas are on

Journal 12/3/1976 P1 Micronesia: World’s biggest exclusive ocean economic zone? Elected and traditional leaders from Truk, Ponape, Kusaie, Marshalls, Yap and Palau are attending the first Micronesian Conference of Law of the Sea. Despite differences over the issue of future political status, one question remains: Can the districts agree on a common position on Law […]

Isaac’s daily performance

Isaac’s daily performance

Journal 11/19/1976 P2 Hawaiian police to administer impartial law in territory Honolulu Police Department officers will soon be hired to help improve the police system in the Trust Territory. Police Major John Yee of HPD discussed with the Acting High Commissioner Peter Coleman and Public Safety Chief Manny Sablan, plan to recruit 11 police advisers […]

Phillip, Tony ballot upset

Phillip, Tony ballot upset

Journal 11/12/1976 P8 Worms eradicated The local Agriculture Department here surely deserves a note of congratulations — thanks to the quick work of district agriculturalist Liki Labi, a serious plague of worms found in a local hydroponic station was taken care of with a suitable pesticide. According to our source, the worms were reported one […]

MEC profits over $550,000

MEC profits over $550,000

Journal 11/5/1976 P3 Betelnut battle reigns in islands Two Micronesians who chew betelnut have come out in support of Guam Congressman Antonio Won Pat in his fight with US government officials in Washington over the recent betelnut ban. Palau District Administration Thomas Remengesau says the Guam Congressman should be awarded 1,000 betelnuts in recognition of […]

Tuna fish for AMI success

Tuna fish for AMI success

Journal 11/11/1977 P1 Keju: Most delegates against the parliamentary constitution Opposition thorn Jinna Keju claims that 60 percent o the members of the Marshall Islands Constitution are against a recently drafted parliamentary-type constitution for the Marshalls and prefer instead a presidential form of government similar to that presently in the United States. Keju, who was […]

Electric rates soar by 3¢

Electric rates soar by 3¢

Journal 10/12/1979 P1 Fifteen join search for Earhart plane A group of 15 individuals, some of whom support “ESP” (Earhart Search Party) tee shirts, are scheduled to depart the capital on three small vessels for what could be a history-making excursion. The Earhart reference aside, what the crew is really looking for is a plane, […]

Education’s vicious circle

Education’s vicious circle

Journal 10/22/1976 P2 A new business A new business began this past week in the Marshalls: Salvador Harris has opened a two-chair barber shop in Majuro. Staffed with a barber from Laura Village, haircuts will cost $2. The shop is located just north of Momotaro’s store on the south side of the Harris’ take out […]

Less ship visits to collect copra

Less ship visits to collect copra

Journal 10/8/1976 P3 Ponape prepares for new Micro capital A Special Joint Task Force was created in Ponape to study and make recommendations as to where the site of the capital of Micronesia should be located. P6 Betel nut banned in US, Guam The traffic of betel nuts in the US is prohibited, according to […]

Ebeye needs a new master plan

Ebeye needs a new master plan

Journal 10/7/1977 P1 Rosenblatt rules out independence for Micronesia US chief negotiator Peter S. Rosenblatt ruled out the possibility of more political fragmentation — and independence for any part of the territory — in a recent radio interview here. P3 Lady mechanic honored The Ponape District Legislature adopted a resolution congratulating Mershina Likor of Net […]