By Journal on September 15, 2016
Chinmei Wang, iLink, Kiribati, murder, Uliga
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An Asian woman was brutally murdered Tuesday in Majuro at her business-home just a stone’s throw away from the National Police Station in Uliga. Her body was found Tuesday night by friends who called police. Majuro hospital emergency ward declared 44-year old Chinmei Wang as dead on arrival at 11pm Tuesday night. Wang reportedly had […]
By Journal on September 15, 2016
Anjua Loeak, Barack Obama, Gerald Zackios, Junior Aini, Nemaad Loeak, RMI ambassador, Sacramento
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RMI Ambassador to the United States Gerald Zackios is scheduled to present his diplomatic credentials to President Barack Obama at the White House this Friday. In the meantime, he made his first visit to the Marshallese community in Sacramento, California earlier in September. He spoke to hundreds of Marshallese at an event hosted by the […]
By Journal on September 9, 2016
Apo Leo, Daniel Kelin II, Henry Lometo, Honolulu Theater for Youth, Jo-Jikum, Jocelyn Ng, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Lyz Soto, Milan Loeak, Youth
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GIFF JOHNSON An observation about summer youth camps organized by Jo-Jikum’s Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner and Milan Loeak: Both of these young women are are expanding their horizons, getting out of their “comfort zones” to offer local young people numerous opportunities to express themselves in creative ways. But it’s more than providing the right environment for young […]
By Journal on September 8, 2016
Alele, Ambrose Balos, Angeline deBrum, Brandy Tartios, David Reiher, Esen Tisa, Hilary Hosia, IT, Leeroy Jitiam, Maily Tarkio, MALGov, Marshall Islands Red Cross, Melvin Majmeto, Tarlos Larron, Will Lathrop
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Following five weeks of morning sessions at Alele Museum in Majuro, five police officers from Majuro Atoll Local Government received certificates of achievement for completing the Basic Computer and Microsoft Application course. The group is the second batch of local police officers to undergo the course. Alele staffers Tarlos Larron and Angeline deBrum conducted the […]
By Journal on September 8, 2016
Anole Valdez, Giff Johnson, Imogen Ingram, mercury, Miram deBrum, WUTMI
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GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands is participating in the region’s first study checking the levels of mercury in local residents. Cook Islander Imogen Ingram, who is conducting the survey in at least five Pacific nations, was here last month working with WUTMI to take hair samples of 30 women that will be laboratory tested for […]
By Journal on September 2, 2016
Andy Andrew, Dr. Richard Brostrom, Giff Johnson, Kalani Kaneko, TB, tuberculosis
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GIFF JOHNSON A plan for a mass screening of people on Ebeye for tuberculosis (TB) is anticipated for later this year as a first step in a new effort to reduce the level of TB in the Marshall Islands. With the TB problem continuing at high rates for many years, health officials are looking at […]
By Journal on September 1, 2016
cmi, College of the Marshall Islands, Gabriella Hitchfield, Hemrita deBrum, Isaac Marty, Maria Jetton Nira Kurn, Narose Jorren
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ISAAC MARTY New students entering College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) is but one of many new things happening at CMI. Narose Jorren shows that you need a new ID card. Without it, you can’t get your school materials at the bookstore, meals at the on-campus takeout, internet access with the IT Department, and other […]
By Journal on September 1, 2016
accident, burns, dock, Hilary Hosia, Jakmis Kabot, Majuro Hospital, Wally Milne
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HILARY HOSIA Jakmis Kabot lays motionless on his hospital bed at the surgical ward in Majuro hospital Wednesday morning, six days after his entire body caught on fire at Uliga Dock. “I feel a burning sensation inside me,” he said. “I wish to be transferred out of here. The fire got me most on my […]
By Journal on August 26, 2016
Alfred Alfred Jr., Hideyuki Misuoka, Japan Embassy, Nobuhiro Yasuura, student exchange
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ISAAC MARTY Sixteen students from various elementary and high schools in Japan were among a delegation of 25 that visited Majuro recently for the annual Japan and Marshall Islands Student Exchange Program funded by the Japan Embassy. According to group leader Director Nobuhiro Yasuura, they were part of a larger group that came out of […]
By Journal on August 25, 2016
audit, Isaac Marty, Japan grant, Junior Patrick, Wotje
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The audit for Wotje Atoll Local Government said $60,000 in funding from a Japan grant for the construction of a community center was misappropriated (embezzled) in the 2009-2014 period. Checks for $40,000 and $20,000 were issued to a company for building materials, but “based on our review of the supporting invoices, they appear fictitious as […]