
Ebeye’s low-hanging fruit

Ebeye’s low-hanging fruit

GIFF JOHNSON Kwajalein’s development agency is focused on delivering action on four projects over the next few months, while it plans for bigger, more costly projects going forward. “These are the low-hanging fruit we are going after immediately,” said Kwajalein Senator David Paul, who doubles as chairman of the board of the Kwajalein Atoll Development […]

Kwaj fish pose cancer risk

Kwaj fish pose cancer risk

Reef fish throughout the Kwajalein lagoon are contaminated with toxic pollutants which sharply increase risks of cancer, learning disabilities and other health impacts on consumers, said the RMI EPA this week. Two key US Army draft reports presented to RMI late last year conclude that because Marshallese eat the “whole of fish,” and eat a […]

Ebeye dock in bad shape

Ebeye’s main dock suffered serious damage in westerly storms that battered Kwajalein Atoll earlier this month. Storms over the past year had caused damage to the dock, but the storm earlier this month was the worst in recent times, as high waves repeatedly crashed into the dock. “The damage to the dock goes back a […]

Shipping struggles to meet needs

Shipping struggles to meet needs

The demand is high and there are not enough ships to get passengers and cargo to the outer islands. The inability of government shipping to service outer island passenger and cargo demands has been in the spotlight this month, with schools late to start as students and teachers could not get to their schools as […]

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