Majuro Cooperative School

Chess gets boost

Chess gets boost

HILARY HOSIA The establishment of the first ever Marshall Islands Chess Federation may take place within the year, thanks largely to the influence of world-renowned Chess Grandmaster Nigel Short who visited Majuro last week. Nigel is confident the Marshall Islands Chess Federation will be fully chartered by September this year, if the local actors do […]

Schools debate nuclear test legacy

Schools debate nuclear test legacy

The battle of exchanging words and ideas was on display last week at the University of the South Pacific as high schools across the country vied for the Education Week/Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day debate championship. The debate competition sprung into action starting from the preliminary rounds in the morning February 27. The topic for the […]

CMI readies graduation plan

CMI readies graduation plan

WILMER JOEL Putting together a graduation ceremony requires careful planning and preparation. Graduates and ushers at the College of the Marshall Islands gathered for the first graduation rehearsal last Friday. Meyar Margaret Laukon, associate dean of equity and engagement, and Jason Sam, coordinator of fitness, recreation, and sports, oversaw the practice. Each usher was assigned […]

US donates books, dollars

US donates books, dollars

The United States government, in partnership with the Asia Foundation, delivered books to four local organizations late last month. The books are from the Asia Foundation as part of the Foundation’s contribution to the USAID-supported Pacific Regional Initiative. The Pacific Regional Initiative strives to counter trafficking in persons by focusing on prevention, protection, prosecution, and […]

Alele promotes language use

Alele promotes language use

HILARY HOSIA Alele Museum and National Archives kicked off a program at the beginning of the month to revive and promote Marshallese Language arts to children. The unique curriculum targets both public and private school students in the eight-to-12 age group. Instructors in the program are students majoring in Marshallese Studies at the College of […]

Christmas spirit ramps up

Christmas spirit ramps up

EVE BURNS Chilly air, drizzling rain and Christmas music really set the vibe for the annual Mejerik Club’s Christmas lighting ceremony. The Christmas lighting started during President Christopher Loeak’s administration. Later, the Mejerik Club was formed and made the lighting ceremony an ongoing special event. It is one of the most enjoyable things to do […]

Japan hands over 3 buses

Japan hands over 3 buses

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka attended the handover ceremony of new school buses for Ajeltake Elementary School, Laura High School and Majuro Cooperative School earlier this month. $83,968 was provided to fund the bus for each school through the Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Project (GGP). The public school ceremony was attended by Education Minister […]

Where there’s a will…

Where there’s a will…

The power of networking and love of parents to a son can move mountains.In this case, a McDonald’s-themed birthday for one lucky Jerel Anitok, Jr. at Majuro Cooperative School’s third grade was the result. The parents knew their soon-to-be nine-year old had been craving McDonald’s for three years since relocating to Majuro from California. A […]

Japan funds school buses

Japan funds school buses

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka and three Majuro principals signed grant contracts at the Japan Embassy last week that will provide each school with a new bus. The schools at the grant ceremony were: ・Ajeltake Elementary School, Principal Amity Jarom, grant up to $83,968. ・Laura High School, Principal Jimmy Kemem, grant up to $83,968. ・Majuro Cooperative […]

Exhibit showcases local artists

Exhibit showcases local artists

The US Embassy hosted an art exhibition at the Ambassador’s residence earlier this month, an event that brought together students from four Majuro high schools with NGOs Jo-Jikum and Waan Aelon in Majel. The students viewed both locally made works of art that were displayed in the outdoor ground floor deck area under the main […]