
President Kabua’s personal appeal

President Kabua’s personal appeal

In the midst of a major shift in Cabinet members the past week and countless hours preparing for the Compact negotiations in Kwajalein in the coming days, President David Kabua ensured his message for the graduating class of 2022 was received throughout Marshall Islands. President Kabua personally delivered the message during the College of Marshall […]

Women’s fund launches on Ebeye

Women’s fund launches on Ebeye

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]

New power plant deal

New power plant deal

Journal 5/10/1985 P1 Compact hits minefield In a statement that did not mince words, a key US Congressman whose endorsement of the Compact of Free Association is considered essential to its passage asserted that “it is not in the best interests of the US to approve the Compact without change.” House Interior and Insular Affairs […]

Kuwaiti VIP offers aid?

Kuwaiti VIP offers aid?

Journal 4/5/1985 P1 Schools face hard facts The Marshall Islands “have inherited a solid base on which they are building their national educational systems,” said the State Department in recent Congressional testimony. Despite this optimistic assessment, local educators and administrators are beset with an education system that has the highest high school drop out rate […]

RMI urban life is tough

RMI urban life is tough

Journal 2/22/1985 P1 Rongelap poised for evacuation The people of Rongelap Atoll are preparing to evacuate their home island, fearing high levels of residual radiation from nuclear tests of the 1950s. Rongelap Senator Jeton Anjain is currently on Rongelap discussing resettlement plans with the 250 people residing there. The Rongelapese want to move to Ebadon […]

Drought worsens in northern islands

Drought worsens in northern islands

The northern islands are now facing a looming drought with little to no rain in January.While Majuro was deluged with rain the first couple of days in February, rainfall in Majuro is no indication of wetness in the northern islands. While Majuro received 8.76 inches of rain in December, Wotje saw only 2.55 inches. January […]

RMI escapes omicron spread

RMI escapes omicron spread

The RMI government continues to use both its quarantine facility in Arrak Majuro, as well as the Kwaj Lodge at Kwajalein for managing the quarantine of incoming repatriation groups. Although United Airlines is not taking passengers out of Majuro for now, it continues to stop in Majuro for refueling and to drop off repatriation groups.Last […]

Majuro gets new airport

Majuro gets new airport

Journal 12/12/1972 P1 Majuro’s new airport opens The new Majuro airport opened December 9 for the first time, representing the culmination of more than two years of work by American International Constructors of Seattle and the US Army Corps of Engineers. The 7,000-foot strip will be only the second civil airfield in the entire three […]

High tides flood Majuro

High tides flood Majuro

Journal 12/14/2984 P1 Majuro municipalities ordered to amalgamate Trust Territory Judge Richard Miyamoto December 7 decided that the municipalities of Laura and Darrit-Uliga-Delap musts combine into one entity and comply with the Local Government Act enacted by the Nitijela regarding the establishment and jurisdictions of such bodies.  P19 Nine Group contracts The Republic of China […]