By Journal on February 1, 2024
airport reservoir, Damian Capelle, El Nino, Eve Burns, fresh and salt water service, generators, Japan, Majuro Water and Sewer Company, MEC, Rita to Laura, United Nations Development Program
News Archive

Back up generators to power fresh and salt water service in Majuro are soon to be installed so that service can continue despite ongoing power outages, the general manager of the water company says. Majuro Water and Sewer Company GM Damian Capelle got out in front of the problem last year by ordering back up […]
By Journal on July 8, 2022
$17.5 million to $21 million, 2008, Back in the Day, diesel, fast-track domestic energy reduction and cost-cutting measures, Litokwa Tomeing, MEC, State of economic emergency
Back In The Day

Journal 7/12/1985 P3 Results of fishing tournament The Third Annual Fishing Tournament saw two marlin caught the first day: One weighed in at 319 pounds and was caught by Misao Capelle’s boat Fu Manchu, the other was 184 pounds caught by Minister Atjang Paul. The second day, Ronnie Reimers landed a winning wahoo that weighed […]
By Journal on May 20, 2022
2008, Back in the Day, MEC, power rates go up again
Back In The Day

Journal 5/24/1985 P1 Critical committee OKs Compact “Obviously the Compact is moving along and with key high level people in the US administration and Congress supporting it, chances are looking good it will be approved this summer,” states US Department of State Status Liaison Officer for the Marshalls Mike Senko answering Journal questions. On May […]
By Journal on May 6, 2022
1997, Back in the Day, Deutz, Majuro, MEC, New Power plant
Back In The Day

Journal 5/10/1985 P1 Compact hits minefield In a statement that did not mince words, a key US Congressman whose endorsement of the Compact of Free Association is considered essential to its passage asserted that “it is not in the best interests of the US to approve the Compact without change.” House Interior and Insular Affairs […]
By Journal on March 18, 2022
$12.5 million, 1997, Back in the Day, Cabinet, May 1, MEC, rates set to go up
Back In The Day

Journal 3/22/1985 P2 Thinking young As has been noted here earlier, 1985 is the UN’s Year of the Child. This pictorial Special High School issue is the Journal’s way of recognizing the many young people who are working hard preparing themselves to take a leading and productive role in the community in the very near […]
By Journal on July 16, 2021
Ben Wakefield, Giff Johnson, Limbok Sawej, Majuro Cooperative School, MEC, United Nations Development Program grant
Feature Articles

Majuro Cooperative School received a United Nations Development Program grant to implement a solar project aimed at solving several of the school’s needs, including reducing its power bill. “With aims of cost-cutting we are proceeding with converting the first elementary block completely to solar power with MEC lines as a backup,” said Majuro Cooperative middle […]
By Journal on May 21, 2021
Alik Alik, Billy Roberts, Bobby Muller, Brenson Wase, Chamber of Commerce, Charles Domnick, Election, Gerald Zackios, Giff Johnson, Jack Niedenthal, Jerry Kramer, Kessai Note, Litokwa Tomeing, Mattlan Zachras, MEC, PII
Back In The Day

Journal 5/23/1986 P1 Judge to police: Clean up your act The High Court put the police department on notice that it better get its act together or face severe penalties. Chief Justice AD Tennekone’s sharp criticism was triggered by what he said has been a consistent pattern of police being unable to get prisoners to […]
By Journal on May 7, 2021
Billy Roberts, Deutz, MEC
Back In The Day

Journal 5/11/1983 P1 Customs officer on postal inspections Reaction to the newly instituted customs collection at the RMI main post office was heated the first day but cooled off over the next few days, reported customs officer Ira Allen in an interview. Speaking while at his desk in the rear of the post office, Ira […]
By Journal on April 16, 2021
Ajeltake Elementary School, Amata Kabua, Compact of Free Association, Jaluit High School, MEC, Ronald Reagan, Rongelap
Back In The Day

Journal 4/20/1984P1 Electricity costs reduced The RMI reported impressive savings in fuel costs for its new power generating facility in Majuro. MEC’s British-built power plant is producing electricity at a cost of 5.1 cents per kilowatt hour, a substantial savings compared with the 18-to-20 cents per kilowatt hour cost at the old power plant.P3 Amata […]
By Journal on April 9, 2021
Billy Roberts, Deutz MWM, McConell Dowell, MEC, PII
Back In The Day

Journal 4/13/1984 P1 Traditional Rights Court ceremony for new judges The judges and clerk of the first Traditional Rights Court of the Marshall Islands were sworn in April 10 at the Majuro Courthouse. The ceremony, featuring opening of the court by High Court Chief Justice John Lanham, was followed by an invocation from Rev. Jori […]