Kijiner reappointed to serve RMI

Kijiner reappointed to serve RMI

The Executive Branch of the Marshall Islands reappointed Tom Kijiner as the Marshallese envoy to Japan Monday at the ICC Cabinet Room. Chief Justice Carl Ingram presided over the swearing-in ceremony witnessed by President Hilda Heine, First Gentleman Tommy Kijiner, Jr., Foreign Minister John Silk, other Cabinet members, and family members. Ambassador Kijiner has been […]

Leaders sign plan of action

Leaders sign plan of action

Marshall Islands Mayors Association President Ota Kisino joined President Hilda Heine and Internal Affairs Minister Amenta Matthew in signing a joint communique from the recently completed Leadership Conference spelling out seven areas for follow up action. The joint communique is the first in the 16 years of this annual event. The key areas identified for […]

PNA a success without ADB

PNA a success without ADB

An Asian Development Bank report on Pacific island economies recognizes the Parties to the Nauru Agreement’s vessel day scheme (VDS) as “an outstanding global example of coastal states taking control of a fishery based on highly migratory stocks” that resulted in a more than tripling of revenue to PNA members from 2010 to 2014. But […]

Bikinian radiation survey

Bikinian radiation survey

Journal 7/23/1976 P1 The Mink coat Strong charges of racial discrimination were leveled at the US Army command at its top-secret Kwajalein Missile Range as Marshall Islanders testified before a US Congressional subcommittee on Ebeye July 14. Congress of Micronesia Representative Ataji Balos told the US House Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Patsy Mink (Hawaii) that […]

New Marshallese grammar book

New Marshallese grammar book

Alfred Capelle, Chair of the Marshall Islands’ Customary Law and Language Commission, recently presented the new book titled Marshallese Reference Grammar to President Hilda Heine at the President’s Office, and also delivered a copy to Education Minister Wilbur Heine and Public School System Commissioner Evelyn Konou. Capelle co-authors the book along with Byron W. Bender, […]

MISAT: Elementary outpaces secondary

MISAT: Elementary outpaces secondary

The Marshall Islands Public School System released the results of its annual Marshall Islands Standard Achievement Test (MISAT) earlier this month in a presentation to local government mayors at the International Conference Center. The test results from this past school year show that the highest average score was produced by eighth graders, with 41 percent […]

MALGov police upgrade skills

MALGov police upgrade skills

ISAAC MARTY Five Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov) police officers were certified with basic computer literacy skills at Alele National Archives and Museum recently as part of the local government’s goal to establish computer systems in every police substation. The certified officers completed about two months’ training through Alele’s computer program. Sergeants James Jorimle, Huston […]

Majuro schools get WASC thumbs up

Majuro schools get WASC thumbs up

Delap Elementary School’s US accreditation has been extended for six years, the longest term given by the Accrediting Commission for Schools of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). DES is RMI’s only public elementary school that is WASC accredited. In a letter to DES Principal Loretta Case, accrediting commission chairperson Damon Kerby said […]

RMI biggest b-ball event

RMI biggest b-ball event

Journal 7/13/1977 P3 Fishing authority averaging one ton daily Marshalls Fishing Authority is averaging one ton of fresh fish daily now, according to Houstan Jonathan, accountant for the authority. Most of the catch recorded has been skipjack and yellow fin tuna, both sold for 55 cents a pound. According to Jonathan, the price, however, created […]