Order T-Shirts

Order T-Shirts

Customized T-shirts? John Murphy’s Eyecatcher Designs is Majuro’s premier T-shirt shop. [email protected] or call 455-3251. John can create a unique design for your shirt according to your ideas! Minimum 12 shirts.

RMI Election Update 11/25/15

RMI Election Update 11/25/15

Domestic vote results show that first time candidate Sherwood Tibon has received the most votes, 2,832, in the RMI election and is on his way to being among a group of new younger members of the Nitijela when it convenes in early January. Joining Tibon are incumbents Tony Muller, Brenson Wase and David Kramer, and […]

The fight against diabetes

The fight against diabetes

Over the past two weeks the Canvasback Wellness Center in Majuro conducted a diabetes reversal program. Thirty-five participants learned how to fight non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Participants were taught the importance of exercise and reducing weight. A two-pound weight loss can help reduce the chance of getting diabetes by up […]

RMI Election Update Friday PM

RMI Election Update Friday PM

Here is the latest update on the RMI national election for Nitijela and mayor races. The Electoral Administration continues to input tabulation data into the master election result file, a time consuming process, which accounts for the fact that in many of the races shown in this update, only a portion of vote data is […]

Phillip, Tony ballot upset

Phillip, Tony ballot upset

Journal 11/12/1976 P8 Worms eradicated The local Agriculture Department here surely deserves a note of congratulations — thanks to the quick work of district agriculturalist Liki Labi, a serious plague of worms found in a local hydroponic station was taken care of with a suitable pesticide. According to our source, the worms were reported one […]

Machine counting? What’s the rush…

Some election observers, including some in the United States, expressed surprise that the RMI is still “hand counting” votes for the 2015 national election. Yes, it’s true: hand counting has been the norm from election number one in 1979 to election number 10 this week. Given the combination of things that bedevil technology in the […]

Health refresher training OIHC

Health refresher training OIHC

The Ministry of Health completed a refresher and updating medical course last week for its second group of outer islands health assistants this year. Ministry of Health’s Outer Islands Health Center (OIHC) concluded the two-week training for 25 health assistants bringing to 50 the number of outer islands health providers retrained in 2015. Dr. James […]

RMI Election Update Thursday PM

RMI Election Update Thursday PM

The latest update from the Electoral Administration is provided below. While tabulating is nearly completed in both Majuro and Ebeye, many of the results are still being inputted into the master result list by Electoral staff. This is why there are still gaps in results for both “regular” and “absentee” votes in most of these […]