RMI judges honored in Indiana

RMI judges honored in Indiana

The three women judges of the Marshall Islands judiciary participated in the National Association of Women Judges (NAWJ) Conference held in Indianapolis earlier this month. High Court Judge Linda Murnane received more recognition, being honored with the Justice Vaino Spencer Leadership Award. This award honors outstanding leadership in promoting NAWJ’s vision, core values and mission […]

Promoting women in fisheries

Promoting women in fisheries

USAID funding supported the first ever Women Fishers’ Forum for 30 women from across the Marshall Islands earlier this month. This forum, known as Our Fish Our Future, conducted at the Marshall Islands Resort, provided a unique platform to recognize the efforts of fisherwomen, empower them, and foster gender equality within the fishing community. Led […]

Ballots on their way

Ballots on their way

HILARY HOSIAEligible Marshallese voters residing overseas will have the opportunity to cast their votes ahead of the November 20 National Election Day following the sending off of 1,135 postal ballots on Tuesday. Officials from the Electoral Office and Marshall Islands Postal Services have been working meticulously after hours at the International Conference Center since last […]

MIHS: Read all about it

MIHS: Read all about it

Journal 10/31/1986 P1 Waste dump for Erikub?An agreement was initialed last month that would make Erikub Atoll a storage and treatment center for hazardous industrial waste from the United States. On September 27, Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing and Western Pacific Waste Repositories Inc. President Dennis Capalia initiatled a document which would lease Erikub to the […]

Kessai is top contender

Kessai is top contender

Journal 10/23/1987 P1 $18m connection for new phonesThe Marshalls has received approval for a multi-million dollar loan to install a modern communications system replacing the antiquated telephone system now in operation. The US Rural Utilities Service has approved a loan of $18.8 million to the National Telecommunication Authority for a new telephone systems, said Transportation […]

School lunches crank up

School lunches crank up

The start of the week brought good news to public school students in Majuro with the return of the hot lunch program following temporary halt since the beginning of the new fiscal year October 1. Public School System confirmed the lunch program has resumed in Majuro beginning on Monday. Even with the lunch program operational, […]

Clubs crank up at CMI

Clubs crank up at CMI

WILMER JOEL In conjunction with cultural week last month, the student government association hosted a club rush at the end of September on the CMI campus. SGA President Marlin Doulatram told the Journal that the event promotes community services that students and CMI have to offer. “The event promotes local businesses, fosters social interaction, and […]

Rhino beetle takes root

Rhino beetle takes root

After spotting and destroying one coconut rhinoceros beetle at Amata Kabua International Airport in September, RMI government authorities identified an infestation of these coconut-destroying beetles at Ļojemwā weto, Ajeltake — the area just past the PII rock crushing location. A team from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce was dispatched to further investigate the […]

RMI signs 20-year Compact

RMI signs 20-year Compact

GIFF JOHNSON The Marshall Islands signed off on the Compact of Free Association Monday in Honolulu, the last of the three freely associated states to renew its Compact relationship with the United States. The signing was held at the East-West Center in Honolulu. East-West Center President Suzanne Vares-Lum hailed the signing as an “historic agreement.” […]

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