News Archive

Airport set to reopen

Airport set to reopen

GIFF JOHNSON Last weekend’s completion of renovation work at Amata Kabua International Airport’s main terminal has paved the way for resumption of air service by United Airlines in the near future, according to RMI Ports Authority. Tentative plans were in motion this week for passenger service to resume next week April 11. Passenger pickup and […]

Rising from the ashes

Rising from the ashes

EVE BURNS Waan Aelon in Majel (WAM) suffered a devastating fire recently that destroyed its office and workshops. In an outpouring of solidarity with WAM, local and international donors from every direction have put up their hands to help with the reconstruction. Monday this week, Australia joined other donors to support WAM rebuilding efforts through […]

Voice of Women Forum launches

Voice of Women Forum launches

A National Women’s Forum started this week Wednesday at the International Conference Center in Majuro. A large turnout of well over 100 people came together for the Ainikien Kora Forum (literally, the Voice of Women Forum). The major focus of the event is to “raise awareness across all key stakeholders and national decision makers about […]

Marshalls debuts in Dubai

Marshalls debuts in Dubai

In what might be called “saving the best for last,” the World Expo in Dubai featured the Marshall Islands this past Sunday, the final celebration of Pacific Islands national days at the expo in the United Arab Emirates. NRC Minister John Silk headed the large RMI delegation to Dubai. At the gala affair Sunday, Silk […]

Japan funds school buses

Japan funds school buses

Japan Ambassador Kazunari Tanaka and three Majuro principals signed grant contracts at the Japan Embassy last week that will provide each school with a new bus. The schools at the grant ceremony were: ・Ajeltake Elementary School, Principal Amity Jarom, grant up to $83,968. ・Laura High School, Principal Jimmy Kemem, grant up to $83,968. ・Majuro Cooperative […]

House ‘dean’ was island friend

House ‘dean’ was island friend

Don Young, who served for nearly 50 years in the US House of Representatives, died Friday at 88. He was traveling to his home state of Alaska at the time. Young was the Dean of the US House and an active supporter of Pacific island issues. Over the years, he visited the Marshall Islands with […]

Jaki-ed book launched

Jaki-ed book launched

KAREN EARNSHAW Maria Fowler opened her remarks to the crowd at the College of the Marshall Islands with the words: “You are all beautiful rainbows as I look at you” and then went on to describe the various parts of a jaki-ed also known as a finely woven clothing mats. Her words were part of […]

Enewetak community looks ahead

Enewetak community looks ahead

The Enewetak community on the Big Island of Hawaii came together March 10 for a celebration and reflection on the challenges of building lives in exile from their home atoll, a former nuclear weapons test site. “People from Enewetak understand that it is not safe to return to a contaminated and radioactive home,” said event […]

Lib launches big project

Lib launches big project

The small community of Lib Island celebrated the launching of the new Lib Island boat pass dock project with a groundbreaking ceremony last week. The over $1 million project will improve access to Lib, which is a single island surrounded by reef making it difficult to access the island from the ocean. Pacific International Inc. […]

Stars shine in nuclear debut

Stars shine in nuclear debut

WILMER JOEL Stars were born during the first-ever theatrical play on the Marshall Islands nuclear legacy, a new approach to get the public’s attention and commemorate the March 1 Bravo test anniversary. “The Declassified File” was a National Nuclear Commission and Jo-Jikum production involving primary and secondary school casts and crews. The play was based […]

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