News Archive

RMI cuts quarantine time

RMI cuts quarantine time

GIFF JOHNSON Important developments on the Marshallese repatriation program include a shortening of the quarantine time and increased numbers of people returning. At last Thursday’s Cabinet meeting, RMI leaders endorsed a Ministry of Health and Human Services/National Disaster Committee recommendation to reduce the quarantine time at Kwajalein from three to two weeks. Coupled with the […]

Farmers are newly mobile

Farmers are newly mobile

Laura farmers received gifts from Taiwan that will always be remembered. A total of 90 bicycles were given to Laura Farmers Association, Taiwan Technical Farm and Marshall Islands Organic Farmers Association. The bikes were donated by Taiwan and distributed by Natural Resources and Commerce, supervised by NRC staff Risa Kabua and Randon Jack. Laura resident […]

IOM launches women’s biz program

IOM launches women’s biz program

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) hosted an introductory workshop earlier this month for a new funding opportunity to empower women in business. The workshop, held at Marshall Islands Resort, brought together interested people to learn about the new opportunity for women entrepreneurs. Funding is coming from the US government through IOM, which is rolling […]

Japan aids DES transport

Japan aids DES transport

There is no better way to end the fiscal year than with a new school bus. Delap Elementary School (DES) Principal Loretta Case and Vice Principal David Robert were present last week for a signing ceremony of a grant for a new bus at Japan Embassy. The ceremony was short and straight to the point. […]

MIDB taxi plan on hold

MIDB taxi plan on hold

BOLDEN ELANZOA Marshall Islands Development Bank program to assist Marshallese to own their own taxis in Majuro has been put on hold due to a variety of challenges that developed after it was launched in 2018. The program was rolled out in 2018 and involved loans to help local drivers purchase their own vehicles. The […]

SSG Sam’s family honored

SSG Sam’s family honored

Kosraen soldiers stationed in Fort Hood, Texas started a softball tournament in 2018 to honor soldiers who have died from the Micronesia region, including RMI, and to bring pride to the loved ones left behind. The fourth annual Island Warriors Memorial softball tournament is happening the July 4 weekend in Killeen, Texas. In addition to […]

One Word hits Majuro, Ebeye

One Word hits Majuro, Ebeye

The premiere of the latest Marshallese and German-made movie “One Word” had the audience starstruck at Jittak-En Saturday night with its rich cinematography and unerring documentation about climate change. The movie is the outcome of the collaboration between German film team Kameradisten (Comrades) directors Viviana and Mark Uriona and local non-profit organization Jo-Jikum.It features great […]

CMI talks on nuclear legacy

CMI talks on nuclear legacy

KAREN EARNSHAW Students and graduates of the Majuro Deaf Education Center thoroughly enjoyed an info-packed presentation about the Marshall Islands’ nuclear legacy shortly before Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day. The presentation was given by the College of the Marshall Islands Nuclear Club, with club advisor Ariana Tibon being the lead presenter. Ariana, who is the Education […]

Lifters aim to top 30-medal tally

Lifters aim to top 30-medal tally

Ministry of Education, Training and Sport/PSS, the national federations and the sporting community are grateful that Majuro Atoll Local Government (MALGov) expanded the sports competition list for Majuro Day, allowing sports that don’t have many opportunities for competition to do so in preparations for the Micronesian Games to be hosted here in the summer of […]

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