By Journal on March 10, 2022
CMAC, CNMI, Dolores debrum Kattil, Emman Kabua -Tibon, Eve Burns, Florence Edwards, FSM, Guam, Iva Reimers-Roberto, John Silk, Micronesia Challenge, MIMRA, Moriana Phillip, Palau, PAN, Reimaanlok
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EVE BURNS Marshall Islands Marine Resource Authority launched its Protected Area Network (PAN) office last week at International Conference Center. The PAN program vision is for a sustainable and resilient Marshall Islands where natural and cultural resources are effectively managed and conserved for future generations. Their mission to secure and enable mobilization of resources in […]
By Journal on February 17, 2022
Covid, Eve Burns, Gederick Henos, Giff Johnson, house to house, Jack Niedenthal, Kanson Basin, Mailynn Konelios-Lang, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Simiko Jomuly
News Archive
GIFF JOHNSON The government ramped up its ongoing Covid vaccination program Monday this week by starting house-to-house immunizations throughout Majuro. The move takes a page out of the measles vaccine program three years ago and the initial start of Covid vaccines in January 2021 by taking the program into the community.Monday’s outreach effort showed the […]
By Journal on February 10, 2022
Eve Burns, Mary Neba, MICNGOs, Morning Star Church, National Training Council, NTC-PSS, Patty Townley, technical vocational program
News Archive

EVE BURNS Morning Star Church in partnership with the National Training Council (NTC) is hosting a technical vocational program where kids who dropped out of school can participate and learn life skills that will help them in the future. The opening ceremony took place at Morning Star Church at Rairok last week. The training is […]
By Journal on January 20, 2022
Alma Abin, David Lin, Eve Burns, Jasmine Hsiao, Jeffrey Hsiao, Jennifer Hawley, Kora Fund, Kora im an Kil fund, Patrick Chen, Teri Elbon, Velma Edwards
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EVE BURNS The first ever recipient of a loan from the new Kora im an Kil Fund (Kora Fund) was recognized last Thursday. The Kora Fund is a Taiwan funded small loan program to support women entrepreneurs in the Marshall Islands. The idea for the fund came from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and President Hilda […]
By Journal on January 6, 2022
Ariana Tibon, Bravo hydrogen bomb, Christopher Loeak, Eve Burns, Karen Earnshaw, March 1, Nerje Joseph, Sam Denby
News Archive

EVE BURNS Nerje Joseph, 74, who died recently at Majuro hospital, was one of a dwindling number of Rongelap Islanders who were on Rongelap or Ailinginae on March 1, 1954 when the US government detonated the Bravo hydrogen bomb at Bikini. Bravo spewed a snowstorm of radioactive fallout on Nerje and the other 85 people […]
By Journal on December 30, 2021
Covid, CPR, Eve Burns, First Aid, Licensed Instructor, Majuro Baptist Christian Academy, Marshall Islands Red Cross Society, Outreach, Silia Peter, USP Long Island campus, Volunteering
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EVE BURNS Silia Peter has worked hard to earn her first aid and CPR license.Silia, 23, has been a volunteer with Red Cross since 2017. She was recently recognized with a leadership award and first aid certificate. She was chosen because she advances Red Cross’ cause to train more people in first aid and CPR […]
By Journal on December 16, 2021
Chantelle Rogers, Damien Filemoni, Delap Park, Dilia Mares, Elbert Bejang, Emosi Meitokana, Eve Burns, Gade Maitokana, Ijo Langkieo, Internal Affairs, Jeki Lanki, Jimmy Riklon, John Alefaio, Jubelee Ishiguro, Kania Jack, Kessai Note, Micronesian Legal Services, Miman Akira, Nathan Whippy, National Olympic Committee, Otto Keju, Peter Filolita, red cross, Rose Burns, Sakeo Tomo, Silia Peter, Tony Kabua, Viliame Osbourne, WUTMI, Yanche Wang
News Archive

EVE BURNS Although the closing of the 16 Days of Activism already happened November 10, it did not stop the National Olympic Committee, Red Cross, WUTMI, Micronesian Legal Services, Internal Affairs and Minister Kessai Note from hosting and attending a series of events last Saturday at Delap Park. Red Cross presented awards for volunteers who […]
By Journal on December 2, 2021
AKIA, Amata Kabua International Airport, Eve Burns, RMI Ports Authority, United Airlines
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GIFF JOHNSON RMI Ports Authority continues to be beset with problems. The latest? United Airlines moved out of its office in the main terminal of Amata Kabua International Airport earlier this week after it was determined the facility was unsafe for UA workers. Last week, a United worker reportedly “fell through the floor” on the […]
By Journal on November 5, 2021
Australian Aid, Blood Drive, Delap Park, Eve Burns, Fiji community, Marshall Islands Red Cross, Ministry of Health and Human Services, Sakiusa Kamaqesa, Tauaita Sunirara
Feature Articles

The Fiji community along with Australian Aid, Ministry of Health and Human Services, and Red Cross operated a clinic at Delap Park last Saturday for people who wanted to donate blood to help Majuro hospital. Organizers said it is their plan to conduct a blood donation drive every three months. Fijian lab techs who work […]
By Journal on November 4, 2021
Brenson Wase, Carl Ingram, David Kabua, Eve Burns, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kenneth Kedi, Kessai Note, Mary Silk, Sandy Alfred
News Archive

President David Kabua nominated Ebon Nitijela Member John Silk to Cabinet Tuesday, and Speaker Kenneth Kedi confirmed the nomination late Tuesday afternoon. This is the President’s second appointment of a former opposition Nitijela Member to his Cabinet, a development that largely blurs political lines in Nitijela, giving the President wide latitude to choose from the […]