By Journal on February 11, 2021
Colin Tukuitonga, David Kabua, David Panuelo, Filimon Manoni, Gerald Zackios, Henry Puna, Lionel Aingimea, Pacific Islands Forum, Surangel Whipps Jr., Taneti Maamau
News Archive

Following the hotly contested Pacific Islands Forum election for a new Secretary General last week — in which Micronesia’s candidate Ambassador Gerald Zackios lost — the Marshall Islands and its four neighboring nations have thumbed their collective noses at the Forum, saying they are all pulling out of the premier regional body. The move, approved […]
By Journal on October 8, 2020
Gerald Zackios, Giff Johnson, Hilda Heine, President David Kabua, President David Panuelo, President Lionel Aingimea, President Taneti Maamau, President Tommy Remengesau Jr.
News Archive

GIFF JOHNSONThe five Micronesian leaders have drawn a line in the sand over their support of the nomination of Marshall Islands Ambassador Gerald Zackios to head the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. Palau and the FSM have taken the lead, saying if the Forum does not support the Micronesia area nominee, they will consider pulling out […]
By Journal on August 27, 2020
Alfred Alfred Jr., Bill Gallo, Casten Nemra, Gerald Zackios, Kino Kabua, Nikolao Pula, Suzanne Lawrence
News Archive

The Joint Economic Management and Fiscal Accountability Committee (JEMFAC) held its first-ever virtual meeting last Friday. JEMFAC, which combines US and RMI officials, annually approves US Compact funding for the upcoming fiscal year. The RMI team gathered at the College of the Marshall Islands board room to connect by video with officials in the US. […]
By Journal on January 11, 2019
Bush Administration, Gerald Zackios, Jeff Bingaman, Marc Grossman, nuclear, nuclear petition, nuclear test, nuclear victims
Back In The Day

Journal 1/6/1982 P1 Majuro prepared but no waves Thousands of people left the capital early New Year’s morning, looking for shelter in Laura as wave threat warnings were being broadcast over radio station WSZO.
By Journal on January 18, 2018
Department of Interior, Doug Domenech, Gerald Zackios, Helkena Anni, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Kalani Kaneko, Karen Stewart, Malia Heine, US Armed Forces Veterans
News Archive

HILARY HOSIA Department of Interior Assistant Secretary Doug Domenech met with Marshallese veterans at the Marshall Islands Resort Tuesday following courtesy calls with President Hilda Heine and Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister John Silk earlier. There were 14 veterans who served in the US Armed Forces present in the forum, three of whom served more […]
By Journal on August 10, 2017
Apii McLeod, Clarence Luther, Gerald Zackios, Hilda Heine, John Silk, Jurelang Zedkaia, Kessai Note, Litokwa Tomeing, Mattlan Zackhras, Namdrik, Parties to the Nauru Agreement, PNA, Rothie Zackhras, Ruben Zackhras, Tamara Greenstone Alefaio, tobolar, Tony deBrum
Feature Articles

GIFF JOHNSON Mattlan Zackhras, a four-term member of Nitijela who was a key figure in successful grassroots community development on Namdrik Atoll and who the past two years has been outspoken globally on the need for climate action, died this week in Taipei. Zackhras, 47, who has represented Namdrik Atoll in Nitijela since January 2004, […]
By Journal on May 9, 2017
Al Short, Compact of Free Association, Gerald Zackios, Nitijela 20-year deal
Back In The Day

Journal 5/2/1975 P1 Will Tinian have a choice? With a plebiscite scheduled for June 17, and the choices being whether to forever become an American “commonwealth” or remain part of the Trust Territory, many islanders here on Tinian feel they will be “forced” by voters on other islands in the Marianas to carry the military […]
By Journal on January 20, 2017
Albert Short, Gerald Zackios, Kwajalein, Reagan Test Site
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Ocheral vs Later An old custom in Palau is making a major contribution to the district housing program. The old custom’s name is “ocheral” and it works like this: a family borrows money from the Palau Housing Authority to build its house. When the house is completed, the borrower asks for contributions […]
By Journal on September 15, 2016
Anjua Loeak, Barack Obama, Gerald Zackios, Junior Aini, Nemaad Loeak, RMI ambassador, Sacramento
News Archive

RMI Ambassador to the United States Gerald Zackios is scheduled to present his diplomatic credentials to President Barack Obama at the White House this Friday. In the meantime, he made his first visit to the Marshallese community in Sacramento, California earlier in September. He spoke to hundreds of Marshallese at an event hosted by the […]
By Journal on June 24, 2016
Carl Ingram, Denise deBrum-Reiher, Gerald Zackios, Hilda Heine, Kenneth Kedi, Nika Wase, Nitijela
News Archive

Ambassador-designate Gerald Zackios was officially sworn-in Monday as RMI’s ambassador to the United States. The oath of office, administered by Chief Justice Carl Ingram, took place following the recent acceptance of Ambassador-designate’s Agrément by the United States. The nomination of Zackios was approved by the Nitijela during its first Constitutional Regular Session this year. Witnessing […]