By Journal on April 22, 2016
laundry, Tom Panholzer, wife
Back In The Day

Journal 4/23/1976 P8 The Nite Life, Ain’t no good life, but it’s my life Friday last week I met a friend, he was here 5 years ago, he is Charley Lanzillotta, he was a Peace Corps Volunteer here in the Marshall District. One thing that really surprise me, was the zorries he was wearing. They […]
By Journal on April 15, 2016
Jerre Bennett, MIHS
Back In The Day

Journal 4/16/1976 P2 The Nite Life, ain’t no good life, but it’s my life By Stoney My friend Jim Duffy was really drunk last night when he came to the Reef, there’s one thing with Duffy, when he’s drunk you can’t understand what he talk about, like when he’s talking to you about fishing, and […]
By Journal on April 8, 2016
Bank of Marshall Islands, BOMI, Patrick Chen
Back In The Day

Journal 4/11/1975 P13 Ponape Legislature approves salaries Ponape District Legislature passed a bill last week setting salaries for the lawmakers annually at $6,000 and $7,000 for the speaker. While legislature observers feel the bill has a good chance of being accepted by Distad Leo Falcam, Falcam’s number two man Bermin Weilbacher said the chances of […]
By Journal on April 1, 2016
David Kramer, Jouban Kabua, Kurban Samuel, Mudge Samuel, Tony Muller
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Journal 4/16/1976 P9 The bad news This is a short story, being put in the paper at the last minute because what happened just happened a few minute ago: another young Marshallese man has attempted suicide. He was discovered hanging in a washhouse several buildings from where the paper is printed in Majuro. Fortunately he […]
By Journal on March 25, 2016
drought, dry, weather
Back In The Day

Journal 4/2/1976 P6 Working hard The Marshall Islands Nitijela is entering its third week of the 23rd Regular Session continuing a brisk and business like tenor with fully 119 pieces of legislation under consideration. Most significant of developments so far is the double resignations of Iroijs Albert Loeak and Joba Kabua, both of whom withdrew […]
By Journal on March 18, 2016
crime, theft
Back In The Day

Journal 3/19/1976 P7 The littlest district While most people are aware of the fact that in January 1977 Kusaie Island is slated to become a district, not as many may be aware of developments which lead to the designation of yet another district, the “Trust Territory Capital District.” The Congress of Micronesia reported it had […]
By Journal on March 11, 2016
RMI, University of the South Pacific, USP
Back In The Day

Journal 3/12/1976 P2 The Nite Life By Stoney I was talking with Edinal Jorkan the other nite when he came back from Saipan for WSZO news. Asking him how’s Saipan and did he enjoy staying up there, he told me, really good and he really like Saipan. All over sudden he get mad at me. […]
By Journal on March 4, 2016
Amata Kabua, People's Republic of China, PRC, Sicong Gu
Back In The Day

Journal 3/2/1974 P1 Hadley: ‘America will conquer us’ Representative Sungiwo Hadley of Ponape accused the United States of intentionally failing to develop Micronesia’s economy so that American military interests would be more easily accommodated in the Trusteeship islands. “As proven by the military’s promises to the Mariana Islands in their separate negotiations,” the United States’ […]
By Journal on February 26, 2016
Nitijela, old news stories, Philip Bird
Back In The Day

Journal 2/28/1975 P6 What They’ve Said by Mary Browning This we lift unabashedly from “Periscope,” Newsweek, October 14, 1974: “Although the US formally opposes nuclear tests in the atmosphere, French planes ferrying material to test in the skies over the Pacific earlier this year were allowed to make refueling stops at Majuro airport in the […]
By Journal on February 19, 2016
Jude Samson, Marshall Islands history, United Church of Christ, Youth
Back In The Day

Journal 2/22/1974 P1 Population in TT over 114,000 Census figures for the Trust Territory were released last week. As of September 18, 1973, the total Trust Territory population was 114,973. District populations: Marianas (14,335), Marshalls (25,044), Palau (12,674), Ponape (23,251), Truk (31,600) and Yap (7,869). (Note: in the early 1970s, Kosrae was administratively included as […]