By Journal on February 11, 2016
ambassador, Joan Plaisted, Michael J. Senko, Michael Senko
Back In The Day

Journal 2/8/1974 P1 Colorado River tour group completes two tours to Arno They needed something to do in the winter off-season, so Jack Currey, owner of Western River Expeditions, came out to Micronesia last June to check the place out for possibilities. Apparently he found them here in the Marshalls, for in the past two […]
By Journal on February 5, 2016
dry season, Hackney Takju, history, MWSC, rains
Back In The Day

Journal 1/25/1974 P7 Dear Gabby by M. Gabby Keith I wrote my opinion of Rita Elementary School in the paper two weeks ago. Evidently, it stirred up a nest of sleeping sweethearts, because one individual wrote an unsigned letter to me. As my wife and I translate most of the letter to you, you can […]
By Journal on January 29, 2016
crisis, Donald Capelle, drug, Gerald Zackios, MOH, RMI history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/28/1977 P1 Afraid to talk US Central Intelligence Agency officials testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee January 24 on charges that the CIA spied on delegates from Micronesia who were negotiating political status relations with the United States. William Colby, a former CIA Director, and E. Henry Knock, the Acting Director until President Carter […]
By Journal on January 22, 2016
Majuro, MALGov, Marshall Islands history
Back In The Day

Journal 1/24/1975 P1 Nakayama’s address underlines major problems facing Micronesia “What are we going to do for the people of Micronesia?” said Senate President Tosiwo Nakayama in a dramatic departure from the Kennedy standard phrasing. The question was asked during the opening week of the newly convened Sixth Congress of Micronesia in Saipan. Nakayama added […]
By Journal on January 15, 2016
Bikini, Carl Hacker, cmi, dark, Peace Corps, power, Trust Territory
Back In The Day

Journal 1/18/1974 P1 The Peace Corps, good or bad? Late in 1966, an invasion, since then compared to that of the US Marines 22 years earlier, was launched by the US Peace Corps in the Trust Territory. Less than one year later, over 700 volunteers, a greater concentration than in any other area in the […]
By Journal on January 8, 2016
Imata Kabua, Kessai Note, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 1/11/1972 P1 Kabua suspicious of ‘fish study’ motive Congress of Micronesia President Amata Kabua has expressed reservations about a proposed US National Fisheries Services plan to dispatch a large Hawaiian-style tuna fishing boat to the Marshall Islands. According to Kabua, no consultation was made with the people of the Marshalls. “Apparently a Hawaiian fishing […]
By Journal on January 1, 2016
Bukot Nan Jesus, jepta, Kessai Note, Marshall Islands history, Marshallese history, MBC, Nitijela
Back In The Day

Journal 1/4/1974 P2 Hey! Majuro’s gone one — a real 24-hour place. Name’s Zackius’ Restaurant. Like 3am? We’re open. For the guys at the hospital, the police on patrol, the graveyard shit at the power plant and little hungry you, after late night powering, partying or dancing. P2 Micronesian float in Rose Bowl parade Micronesia […]
By Journal on December 25, 2015
Acme, Capital, Micronesia history, Trusteeship, UNICEF
Back In The Day

Journal 12/31/1974 P1 ICA plan for ‘reformulation’ would fatally distort distinguishing values of the islands A “Comprehensive Human Development Plan” for the Marshall Islands was recently prepared for public release in Majuro by a Chicago-based organization called the Institute for Cultural Affairs (ICA). The plan is a sweeping, ambitious formula for crash economic development in […]
By Journal on December 18, 2015
census, Marshalls, Pacific history
Back In The Day

Journal 12/23/1977 P10 Ponape pepper project dropped The president of Speciality Brands Incorporated, a San Francisco based company, announced recently his company is dropping plans to boost cultivation of the Ponape pepper project citing lack of necessary labor to man the size of project contemplated. In a November 28 letter to High Commissioner Adrian Winkel, […]
By Journal on December 11, 2015
Alvin Jacklick, jepta, Joe Murphy, United Democratic Party
Back In The Day

Journal 12/9/1977 P7 Interior Plumbing & Aeronautics by Joe Murphy Recently a special Committee on Resources and Development appointed by HiCom Adrian Winkel came to Majuro to meet with local authorities and business people to find out what could be learned about the development desires of the Marshallese people. As Kozo Yamada, chief of Land […]