College of the Marshall Islands

CMI opens its doors

CMI opens its doors

WILMER JOEL High school students were invited to an open house at the College of the Marshall Islands last Tuesday to kick off the College of the Marshall Islands’ anniversary month. CMI President Dr. Elizabeth Switaj told the Journal that one of the main purposes of the event is “to reach out to high school […]

CMI celebrates 31st birthday

CMI celebrates 31st birthday

WILMER JOEL Interim President Dr. Elizabeth Switaj announced that 17 percent of students who enrolled in fall 2020 finished their associated degrees last summer during the 31st anniversary opening of CMI on Tuesday. “This means that we have achieved our institution set standards of 15 percent for the second time in college history,” she said. […]

Nuclear art impresses

Nuclear art impresses

An impressive array of works of art were on display at Marshall Islands Resort last week as part of the week of activities leading up to Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day last Friday. The Nuclear Arts show was organized by the youth organization Jo-Jikum. It featured multiple paintings and poems by young people, as well as […]

RMI marks Bravo 70th

RMI marks Bravo 70th

Bold remarks were made at the 70th anniversary of the Bravo hydrogen bomb test on Nuclear Victims’ Remembrance Day at CMI last Friday. Local and regional dignitaries delivered speeches during the memorial ceremony after a parade from Alele Museum to CMI. US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Lance Posey said that the legacy of Cold War-era […]

13 cheers for CMI grads

13 cheers for CMI grads

WILMER JOELThirteen students from the College of the Marshall Islands bachelor’s in education program were honored at a dinner celebration earlier this month. The students are the sixth cohort to complete the program. Witnesses to the event included educators, friends, family, administrators from both public and private schools, and instructors at CMI. CMI instructor Alvin […]

Students showcase semester projects

Students showcase semester projects

Students from the College of the Marshall Islands and the Upward Bound program presented their semester-long work at a festival held last week at the Uliga campus. The event heralded the end of the fall semester. “The event aims to celebrate student resilience and determination,” said Library Director Verenaisi Bavadra, who made the welcome remarks […]

Making viral videos

Making viral videos

CMI student and video editing whiz Pijja Matuato never fails to enthrall Majuro with his deft shooting and filmmaking. He told the Journal his schedule is flooded with school basketball video introductions and candidate campaign speeches. He’s shown here filming the MIHS girls’ basketball team, who were getting ready to face Majuro Co-op High School […]

CMI students: Vote!

CMI students: Vote!

A class at the College of the Marshall Islands has been in action to promote voting awareness and encourage students to vote in Monday’s national election. As part of their class project, about 30 students from CMI 101 sections two and three last week created posters, charts, surveys, and flyers with election-related content and posted […]

Outages sap students strength

Outages sap students strength

The past week saw frequent power outages. Darkness and immense warm temperatures were felt in homes or businesses without solar power or generators. Suffice it to say, many had a hard time sleeping at night. The constant power outages resulted in the computer labs at the College of the Marshall Islands being temporarily shut off. […]

Navy band rocks Majuro

Navy band rocks Majuro

WILMER JOEL Several schools on Majuro were treated to a mini-concert by the US Navy Pacific Fleet band last week. The College of the Marshall Islands was the third school to be visited by the band. As the band kicked off the event with a dynamic opening, the CMI faculty, staff, and students went berserk. […]