By Journal on May 20, 2021
DEZRA, First Hawaii Bank, Kenneth Kedi, Ronglap Atoll, Roxanne Cabral
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GIFF JOHNSON “We’ve addressed all the concerns about DEZRA in the floor amendment that was passed (last Friday),” Speaker Kenneth Kedi told the Journal Tuesday this week.Over the past several weeks, legislation to establish the Digital Economic Zone of Rongelap Atoll was criticized or questioned by US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral, the US-based Financial Volunteer Services […]
By Journal on May 13, 2021
Karen Earnshaw, Suzanne Chutaro, Teia Chutaro, US Marine Crops
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KAREN EARNSHAW When US Marines Corps Private First Class Teia Chutaro took part in the grueling, three-day training exercise that marks the culmination of boot camp her ankles were already swollen from being sprained and one of her Achilles tendons was strained. Known as The Crucible, the famous event included a 45-mile hike over hills […]
By Journal on May 13, 2021
Chewy Lin, Giff Johnson, Ludwig Kumoru, Pacific islands fisheries, PNA, Sandy Alfred, tuna cartel
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GIFF JOHNSON The powerful Pacific island fisheries bloc PNA opened a multi-million dollar, four-story headquarters in Majuro May 6. The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA), which controls waters where half of the world’s skipjack tuna is caught, held a “soft” opening for the recently completed headquarters building. It was built by local contractor Pacific […]
By Journal on May 13, 2021
Giff Johnson, Glen Joseph, MIMRA, Tata Kabua, World Tuna Day
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MIMRA sponsored an interesting and entertaining World Tuna Day event last Saturday in the covered parking lot area under its four-story headquarters in Delap. Recognizing the significance of tuna to the world, five years ago the United Nations established May 2 as World Tuna Day. The move to establish a day to celebrate tuna was […]
By Journal on May 6, 2021
College of the Marshall Islands, Dustin Langidrik, Jo-Jikum, Jobod Silk, Katherene Henus, Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Melina Riklon, National Climate Change Week, Open Mic, Oronia M. Kinono, Timothy kabua, Tony Kabua
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WILMER JOEL Jo-Jikum did it once again by pulling off a spectacular open mic session that featured many awe-inspiring performances and displays inside of the old library at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI) last Friday. People of all ages took the mic and stole the show with their diverse talents including poetry, arts […]
By Journal on May 6, 2021
Annej Ishiguro, Arlington Tibon, Chiyaya Anmontha, Chiyaya Anmontha Park, Jeffery Kakku Alik, Kalani Kaneko, Majuro Taxi Drivers Association, Ronnie Lakabung, Sandy Alfred, Stephen Phillip, Taitus Amram, Tony Muller, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL The Majuro Taxi Drivers Association made history in late April by holding a momentous ceremony for the inauguration of their newly elected officers at the Chiyaya Anmontha Park in Jenrok. It was the first time for the association to do this in the 50 years since its establishment and it produced attendance of […]
By Journal on May 6, 2021
Barab Harris, College of the Marshall Islands, Debby Schutz, IOM, Jo-Jikum, National Climate Change Week, Tanmayee Pathak, Wilmer Joel
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WILMER JOEL As part of RMI National Climate Week, Jo-Jikum in collaboration with United Nations Peacebuilders and the International Office for Migration (IOM), held a Climate Security Arts Workshop for the public in the old library at the College of the Marshall Islands (CMI). Jo-Jikum’s Director Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner and the interns helped manage the event […]
By Journal on April 29, 2021
COVID-19, Pan Pacific Foods, PPF, Wanjun "Young" Yang
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The Pan Pacific Foods tuna loining plant said it has a minimum of five supervisory personnel that it has to get to Majuro for the plant to get into full operation. PPF General Manager Wanjun “Young” Yang told the Journal last weekend that five of the plant’s key supervisors were out of RMI when the […]
By Journal on April 29, 2021
Anthony Bariletti, Ben Chutaro, Camp Pendleton, Essien Brule, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, Suzanne Chutaro, Teia Chutaro, Tessa Watts
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KAREN EARNSHAW Marshall Islander Teia Chutaro will be amongst 54 women making history on May 6 as successful participants in the first integrated group of male and female recruits at the 100-year-old Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. The daughter of Ben and Suzanne Chutaro and a former Majuro Cooperative School student, Teia told […]
By Journal on April 29, 2021
Brenson Wase, Bruce Bilimon, Casten Nemra, David Kabua, David Paul, Dennis Momotaro, Hirata Kabua, Jeremy Bartel, Kalani Kaneko, Kenneth Kedi, Roxanne Cabral, Tony Muller, US Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll
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GIFF JOHNSON Col. Jeremy Bartel was called to honor by Nitijela Monday in what Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was an unprecedented ceremony in the chamber. Bartel flew into Majuro Monday for the ceremony in the Chamber and was joined by US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral for the event. The Nitijela session started off as usual with […]