Amata Kabua

Life on Ebeye unbearable

Life on Ebeye unbearable

Journal 7/19/1983 P4 Complete Bible translation to be celebrated The new translation of the complete Bible will be dedicated Sunday July 24 at Uliga Church. The work of more than 15 years will be dedicated at a celebration service led by the leaders of the United Church of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church, the Assembly […]

Bwiji, Ronnie vie for Cup

Bwiji, Ronnie vie for Cup

Journal 7/5/1983 P1 Are you registered to vote? Voter registration is now open for the 7 September plebiscite on the Compact of Free Association and the November Nitijela elections. Chief Electoral Officer Shiro Riklon said there are about 12,000 voters presently registered. He estimates there are 2,000 to 3,000 eligible voters who are not registered. […]

Saab 2000 marks new era

Saab 2000 marks new era

Journal 6/17/1983 P1 Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament The members of the winning billfish team in the first Marshall Islands Fishing Tournament organized by the Marshalls Billfish Club received trophies during an awards ceremony Monday night. The team: Mobe Lorennij, Maikili Tunivabea, Nokko Kabua and Wally Milne. They had a one-day haul of 2,875 pounds of […]

LDS missionaries return to US

LDS missionaries return to US

GIFF JOHNSON  A large group of missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) departed the Marshall Islands and Kiribati Saturday on a specially chartered Fiji Airways aircraft — a response to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world. Approximately 50 LDS missionaries boarded the flight in Majuro, which followed a similar number […]

New brewery opens in town

New brewery opens in town

Journal 1/4/1983 P1 Nitijela opens 4th constitutional meet The marshall Islands High School Glee Club sang at Nitijela’s official opening of the 1983 session January 3 with such compositions as “Give me oil in my lamp, I pray,” and President Amata Kabua and other Nitijela members reaffirmed in their speeches the Republic’s commitment to the […]

Marshallese be like in ’05

Marshallese be like in ’05

Journal 10/26/1982 P1 KAC says good news from Washington “We are very pleased to be home,” said Kwajalein Atoll Corporation  Chairman Ataji Balos and KAC President Imada Kabua in a statement. “The news we bring with us, we believe, is good. For the past three weeks we have been in Washington, DC in meetings with […]

State funeral for Iroojlaplap Imata

State funeral for Iroojlaplap Imata

Flags began flying at half staff earlier this week to honor the late Iroojlaplap and President Imata Jabro Kabua, who died in Honolulu last month. A large crowd turned out Tuesday at Amata Kabua International Airport to greet the US Marines aircraft that transported Kabua’s family and his remains from Honolulu. He was transported directly […]

RMI-US negotiations stall

RMI-US negotiations stall

Journal 8/16/1982 P1 Zeder reported making last try on Compact US Ambassador Fred Zeder will arrive soon in a last ditch effort to resolve Marshalls-US differences on the Compact of Free Association and the conduct of a plebiscite, President Amata Kabua told Nitijela August 13. Foreign Secretary Tony deBrum explained that there was a stalemate […]

Kwaj landowners protest

Kwaj landowners protest

Journal 6/22/1982 P1 Kwajalein landowners occupy two islands Over 200 Kwajalein landowners have peacefully occupied sites on Kwajalein and Roi-Namur islands despite a temporary restraining order obtained by the Marshall Islands government from High Court Chief Justice John Lanham in a special Saturday court proceeding. The landowners have not communicated any demands to the Marshall […]