Hirata Kabua

Kwajalein Day events

Kwajalein Day events

Much of the country’s leadership descended on Ebeye and Kwajalein for the annual Kwajalein Day memorial and celebration. But it wasn’t only RMI leaders who flocked to Ebeye. Diplomats from various embassies made the trek to Kwajalein, as did top-level US Army leaders who arrived for the events. The 81st anniversary of Operation Flintlock, the […]

Lae gets Kwajalein boat

Lae gets Kwajalein boat

HILARY HOSIA Lae Mayor Telmong Kabua and Public Works Minister and Lae Parliament Member Thomas Heine signed an agreement with the Kwajalein Atoll Local Government to officially hand over the “Kwajalein Boat” to Lae Atoll. The brief ceremony took place Wednesday at Mayor Hirata’s new office at the Ebeye pier The Kwajalein Boat will be […]

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

Kwaj workers strike sparks action

HILARY HOSIA A rare and coordinated strike by over 50 Marshallese workers at the US Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll last Friday and Saturday disrupted ferry service for missile range employees and has led to dismissal of two American supervisors by civilian contractor at the missile range. On Saturday, 54 Marine Department employees signed a petition to […]

Mayors vs. Japan waste plan

Mayors vs. Japan waste plan

HILARY HOSIA The idea of Japan releasing waste water from a nuclear power plant into the ocean did not sit well with local mayors attending the Marshall Islands Mayors Association summit at the International Conference Center over the weekend. The mayors, most of whom are avid fishermen, disliked the idea of what they perceive as […]

RMI friendly to fishers

RMI friendly to fishers

HILARY HOSIA Captain Damien Milne and team Daliah reeled in the winning marlin during the Marshall Islands Development Bank’s 35th anniversary fishing tournament over the weekend. The winning marlin was a whopping 448-pounder with a $2,000 prize tag and was caught in Majuro waters. The event’s second biggest marlin weighed 328 pounds and is valued […]

Graduation highlights around RMI

Graduation highlights around RMI

Graduation dominoes keep falling: The end of May it was Majuro Coop School,Assumption and SDA on consecutive days. Then a brief lull before the public schools launched, with Kwajalein Atoll High School Monday, Marshall Islands High School Tuesday and Laura High School Wednesday this week.These events “sandwiched” another set of graduations at Kwajalein Atoll. The […]

Women’s fund launches on Ebeye

Women’s fund launches on Ebeye

The Kora Fund issued its first loan to an Ebeye woman as part of its official launch for Kwajalein Atoll last week. A team of Kora (women’s) Fund and Bank of Marshall Islands officials went to Ebeye for the launch and to run a series of informational and training sessions about the new loan program. […]

Ebeye celebrates Taiwan Day

Ebeye celebrates Taiwan Day

The Kwajalein Atoll Local Government announced the sponsorship of Taiwan Day on Ebeye to thank and recognize Taiwan’s assistance in health and agriculture. The special day was held September 9. Taiwan Ambassador Jeffery SC Hsiao and Madam Hsiao were invited, along with traditional leader Drille J. Kabua representing Iroojlaplap Michael Kabua, Nitijela Member David Paul, […]

Captains Tom, Ronnie win MBC

Captains Tom, Ronnie win MBC

Captain Tom Jack, fishing on Mon Ujoj, caught the biggest marlin of the 39th annual Marshalls Billfish Club tournament last weekend, a sizable 308 pounder.Quite a few other marlin were caught, but they were all relatively small.Captain Ronnie Reimers fishing on Kirtake won the total pounds title with 485 pounds for his four marlin, the […]

Nitijela calls Bartel to honor

Nitijela calls Bartel to honor

GIFF JOHNSON Col. Jeremy Bartel was called to honor by Nitijela Monday in what Speaker Kenneth Kedi said was an unprecedented ceremony in the chamber. Bartel flew into Majuro Monday for the ceremony in the Chamber and was joined by US Ambassador Roxanne Cabral for the event. The Nitijela session started off as usual with […]

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